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Maintaining the image of control

With the rise in different media outlets in exchange for information, it is easy for individuals to misrepresent themselves unconsciously.

Earlier this week, a Georgia federal jury convicted former VSU president, Dr. Ronald Zaccari, of violating the due process rights of former student Hayden Barnes. Barnes was expelled from VSU in 2007 due to his involvement in a protest against the construction of the Oak Street Parking Deck.

This event occurred during a strenuous time for university administrations nationwide. The Virginia Tech massacre had occurred shortly before the local event; and thus, any opposition to campus authority was looked upon as being more of a threat than the incident actually was.

However, fear is not an excuse for negligence. Given the position that he was in, Dr. Zaccari should have been well aware of Barnes’ fifth and fourteenth amendment rights of due process. Instead, he abruptly took extreme measures without proper means. Zaccari was then forced to face the consequences of his actions, a four year legal battle and a $50,000 fine. In return, Barnes was unjustly expelled and many others were dragged into the situation.

Additionally, Barnes became a “threat” to VSU through his use of Facebook. Often times we utilize social media to convey our most radical and irrational thoughts and beliefs. Making such information public threatens one’s own image, as radical words are misconstrued and altered into a weapon, capable of being used against the speaker.

Here at the Spectator we advocate the importance of always refining your thoughts before committing to a plan. Submitting to your emotions is vulnerability and does nothing positive for yourself or those around you.  Instead, face overwhelming issues with a positive attitude; thereby, allowing yourself to project an image of control that will allow you to ponder your further endeavors without jeopardizing you and your assets.

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