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Go the cheap route with your V-Day date

Written By Jamal Tull

Ten for $10

  1. Picnic- There is nothing like a picnic that screams romance on Valentine’s Day. A perfect candlelight picnic can be created with a few food items and supplies from Wal-Mart and a book on Astronomy. Eating dinner by candlelight and gazing off into the heavens is the perfect way to spend tonight.
  2. McDonalds- Can you say dollar menu? The food is very affordable for anyone whose pockets are looking slim this Valentine’s Day.  Also, some McDonalds locations are participating in offering a candlelight dinner with table service and flowers.  If you’re budget conscience, this might come in handy.
  3.  Planetarium – The Valdosta State Planetarium will bring the romance of stars to you this Valentine’s Day. The planetarium offers a wonderful ride across our galaxy for a cheap price. It is located on the third floor of Nevins Halls and will feature a show tomorrow.
  4. Basketball Game- Today VSU is having a white out at the P.E Complex to show school spirit. Come support our fellow Blazers against top rivals, the West Georgia Wolves. Bringing your Valentine to the game can not only take a load off your wallet, but can actually be enjoyable.
  5. Ashley Value Cinemas- The good old fashion movie date is never a misfire especially when all movie tickets are two dollars apiece.  With cheap popcorn, drinks and candy, dates can be kept $10 and under.
  6. Netflix/Redbox- This date is popular with stay at home couples. Couples can rent DVDs for $1 plus tax a night from Redbox kiosks located in most grocery stores, or go on Netflix on their computer from the comfort of their home and make a romantic night out of it.
  7. Walk in the Park-There’s nothing more romantic than taking a long walk and spending time with your loved one.  Scenic walks in a park or by the lake allow you and your valentine to get more acquainted or re-acquainted.  The park always seems to bring a sense of closeness.
  8. Home Cooked Meal- Get quality ingredients from any supermarket and make a romantic home cooked meal for your mate. Whoever does the cooking normally should be able to sit back and enjoy a gourmet dinner. If you both tend to cook an equal amount, you can spend time cooking together.
  9. Explore Valdosta- A lot of college students have lived in Valdosta for years and never take the time out to explore it. Leave the comfort of campus. You might discover something new to do at an affordable price.
  10. T.V Marathons- As holidays usually have TV specials dedicated to the particular celebration, Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to cuddle up and watch marathons with a loved one.

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