Home / Sports / Harlem Globetrotters to visit VSU

Harlem Globetrotters to visit VSU

Written by Neil Frawley

On Tuesday,Valdosta State’s own P.E. Complex will once again be the setting to the spectacular Harlem Globetrotters.

“The Harlem Globetrotters are a world renowned organization,” Herb Reinhard, Athletics Director said.

“We are glad to work with them again. They always put on a great show. The fans that buy the tickets and come to see them always leave with a smile on their face.”

However, for the first time in their 87-year history, the Globetrotters will be asking fans to dictate the game in what they are calling the “You Write the Rules Tour.”

“We are asking the fans to go to harlemglobetrotters.com and vote on the rules of the game. They just go the website ‘HarlemGlobetrotters.com’ and click on vote and they can choose several options detailing what they want to see in the game,” Tay “Firefly” Fisher, team member, said in an earlier press release.

There are five rules that voters have to choose from. These include: “TWO ball basketball” (game is played with two balls), a 4 point shot, double points (ever basket counts twice), a penalty box, or five on six (six opponents on the court).

“The Globetrotters are innovators, we are known for doing things in our game that you don’t see at your typical basketball game,” Fisher said in a New Orleans press release.

“People don’t need to love basketball to enjoy a Globetrotter game. On top of the new rules, everyone can expect to see high-flying dunks, dribbling on the floor, singing, dancing… a little bit of everything.”

But there is more to this year’s tour than just entertainment as they have also partnered up with the Susan G. Komen foundation.

“We want to bring awareness to breast cancer, so we are playing with pink basketballs (for) all 270 games on our tour,” “Dizzy” Grant, team member, said in a Missoula press release.

“We’re also selling pink merchandise at our merchandise stands at each game, and we will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.”

Students interested in attending can long onto the Valdosta State Athletics’ page.

“We’re look forward to it. It should be a good show,” Reinhard said.

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