Home / Campus Life / Free college abroad tempting: Fees worth it for comfort and close proximity to home

Free college abroad tempting: Fees worth it for comfort and close proximity to home

Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/SPECTATOR

Written by Jada Dukes, Staff Writer

U.S. students are paying zero dollars in tuition to earn their bachelor’s degree at a faster rate by choosing to study abroad. According to a CNN article titled “Americans are moving to Europe for free college degrees,” there are around 44 schools in Europe offering a free college education and others with tuition costs lower than $2,225 a year.

“That is amazing why aren’t we doing that?” said Se’deryius Hicks, sophomore undecided major. While hicks seemed excited about the idea, even saying that “German is a language I’ve always wanted to learn,” Hicks says that the idea of studying abroad is “tempting” but in entirety “would be a hard decision because you’re going to another country.” Hicks also said that the “fear of not knowing where I am, where everything is, and not knowing anybody,” would be something to think about before getting on a plane.

According to the CNN article, all public schools in Germany, Iceland, Norway, and Finland are free for international students. The article also states that there are schools offering programs taught entirely in English in order to attract foreign students.

According to the VSU website, the total estimated costs for a fulltime undergraduate student is $3,148.40 per semester.

“It is very expensive but I am grateful that I’ve had financial aid to help with that,” said Jalyssa Ellis, junior exercise physiology major.

While studying abroad can prove itself to be an opportunity to immerse yourself into different cultures and broaden your worldview, it isn’t for everyone.

Ellis says that family is a big reason as to why she would be hesitant to fly to another country for school, “Financially it sounds good but it just wouldn’t be convenient because all of my family is here.”

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