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Fall 2016 Graduation: A goodbye from our seniors…

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Straight outta VSU

My journey at Valdosta State University has been a long one. There were ups and plenty of downs. Along the way I’ve found love and made friends that I consider family. I’ve experienced things that people tell stories about. I’ve enjoyed the ride every step of the way.

It was by chance that I took a class that led me to the Spectator. I started off as just a staff writer. My now close friend, Jordan Barela, asked me if I wanted to be his assistant. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. After having almost every position on staff, I’ll end my Spectator career as Managing Editor.

To Dr. Miller, Ted Geltner and Cindy Montgomery, thank you for always having the wisdom whenever I need it the most. You’ve all pushed me to work harder, smarter and better than before. Thank you.

This semester wouldn’t have been as good without my “work husband,” Gabe Burns. Thanks for making me laugh almost every day and sharing stories of your life. You taught me to never judge a book by its cover. You constantly surprise me. You’re the BIGGEST pain in the butt but I wouldn’t change you for the world. I’m going to miss arguing with you and working countless hours every week in the office. Thanks for always having my back and keeping me sane. Good Luck next semester. You’re going to be amazing.

To Kayla, I appreciate you. You unexpectedly became one of my close friends. This semester would not have been half as good without you here. Your quiet humor keeps me laughing for hours. Thank you for being my friend.

Lastly, to my “best friend” and “partner-in-crime,” Kahlil Slader, THANK YOU. There’s no other person on earth who has more patience, kindness and sense of humor. You’ve taught me some graphic design skills and helped me create covers each week. You made me want to become a better graphic designer. Besides teaching me work skills, you’ve helped me become a better person with your wisdom. Best friends forever.

To everyone else that I’ve met along the way, thanks for the memories. VSU thank you for driving me crazy and giving me the tools to face my future with success.

-Mayah Cantave, managing editor

Super Senior No More


After a not-so-brief five and a half year stint at VSU, my time as The Spectator’s Web and SpecTech Editor has come to an unfortunate close with my graduation. My time is finally here.

In just nine short days, I will be walking across the stage to finally receive my diploma. This semester, I’ve been filled with an array of emotions. From giddy excitement at the thought of my awaiting future to a gloomy feeling of dread, I can’t quite pinpoint how I feel.

I’d lived a pretty sheltered life until I arrived on this campus back on that Fall afternoon in 2011. That day I felt the anxious anticipation that every incoming freshman feels when they finally “leave the nest.” If I knew then what I know now about myself I would have known that that nervousness was unnecessary. I feel that I’ve grown exponentially throughout my time here at VSU.

I’ve always had aspirations of being a journalist. However, it was through my time as The Spectator’s Web Editor that I realized that I also shared a love for graphic and web design. I have big dreams ahead.

I would like to thank Dr. Miller, Ted, Cindy and the rest of my Spectator family for helping me grow, not only as a journalist and a designer but as a person as well. I’ve gained some lifelong friendships. To Mayah, you’ve become one of my closest friends. You have always been someone that I could count on whether it be a simple ride to the store or an ear to talk to if I’m feeling down. Thank you, you’re awesome.

To everyone else at VSU: I bid you adieu, it’s time for me to leave because the world awaits.

-Kayla Stroud, web editor

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