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Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

SGA finds ways to encourage orgs to apply for funding with new changes

Written by Cynthia Papailler, Staff Writer

The Blazer Allocation Process was the main subject during this week’s SGA meeting. The Senators spent majority of the meeting going over the new changes to the guidelines in which students would have to follow to access funding.

Up until now, the Blazer Allocation Process entailed co-sponsorship when pertaining to allocating funds to student organizations and clubs, but it has since been removed. The removal of the co-sponsorship called for amendments to the rules that students had to follow to get funds approved.

Aside from removing the usage of the term “co-sponsoring”, majority of the guidelines remained the same. Amendments to the application deadline were also made. Before the amendments, students had to submit their application at least four weeks prior to the event, but a few of the senators thought that a four-week deadline was too long of a process and opted for two to three weeks minimum.

To help the application turnover process, the finance chamber is considering meeting at least twice a week next semester to speed things along. Although the application deadline has been shortened to a minimum of at least two to three weeks, that does not insure that fact that students will receive the funds straight away and it might take an addition week warned Dr. Miller.

Also, instead of having students present their case for funding in front of the whole senate, instead they have to present only once to the finance chamber and once it is approved the finance chamber will now run it by the rest of the senate on Mondays to finalize every decision. During the meeting, they consistently expressed their desire for students to reach out and apply for funding and how “this is the students’ money and they deserve to have access to it.”

Other items on the agenda included potentially starting a committee designated to help the library regulate the usage of the study rooms. In recent years, the library has received complaints about how the study rooms are constantly packed and the nose-levels. In previous years, the library had tried to assign keys that students could check out to unlock study rooms, but too often than not keys would end up disappearing. They called out to SGA to see if they could come up with a solution, which is now pending.

Auxiliary and Dining services will also be meeting up with SGA members to discuss how they can work together to improve transportation and dining services soon. The Senators want to be a part of the decision making and not just updated after the fact.

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