On the week of March 19 to 25, the Residence Hall Association hosted their annual RezFest week. This year, they added a new twist to an old tradition: the very first RezFest Olympics.
The event was a field day for RezFest weekend and was open to all residents on campus. Junior Olympic Coordinator Christopher Thompson made sure the event was family friendly and fun for everyone.
“We wanted to expose everyone to physical activities and enjoy each other’s company since the weather was so nice,” Thompson said. “We had obstacle courses all throughout the front lawn and a relay race on the pedestrian mall.”
Because this was the first year for the RezFest Olymipcs, there was not much participation; however, next year they are expecting it to be bigger and better. RHA is looking to have more promotion for the event and the week in the years to come.
“Everything is a learning experience,” Thompson said.
The entirety of RezFest contained four events. On Wednesday, March 21, “Party in the USA” was the opening kickoff. On Saturday, March 24, the RezFest Olympics and “Party in the Caribbean” themed cookout was held in the Hopper Courtyard. Finally, on Sunday, March 25, the Miss Worldwide Housing and Residence Life Pageant in which RHA crowned a new RHA court and Miss RHA took place.
Written by Taylor Sutherland, Staff Writer. Photos by Hassan Glenn, VSU Student.
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