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JoJo’s Potato & Mac Shack Smacks

JoJo’s Potato and Mac Shack , located right next to Little Caesars, opened their doors in May with a variety of loaded potatoes on their menu, accompanied by macaroni and cheese dishes and a gorgeous spread of sides and desserts.

Most visitors to this locally owned tavern will find themselves sitting outside on a covered patio with string lights, and the atmosphere on any given day will be half of the experience!

Their menu boasts wine slushies, milkshakes and custom created potatoes piled high with only what the customer has requested. Hot, steaming and presented on a small tray for your consumption, they offer a wealth of options for both the picky and the starving.

JoJo’s is warm little hole in the wall, and it does its best to maintain itself in the aftermath of their predecessor, Burger I Am, ran by JoJo’s in-laws and cousin, who were forced to close their doors due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

JoJo is a friendly woman, who shows exceptional hospitality, explaining the menu options to her customers and wandering from place to place, chatting all the while with staff and customers alike.

A vast menu of specialty items awaits, from simple baked potatoes (which I had) and Philly-cheese steak potatoes (which my friend had). JoJo also offers milkshakes, wine slushies, local beer and coke products.

The experience was wonderful, as the two of us sat down and were greeted by a variety stations on their television, showing their current music choices.

Their tables were decorated on their ends with a sign that advertised their cleanliness, and that the area was a pick-and-choose seating type of place.

By the time we were finished, we were perfectly full, without being stuffed or left hungry.

The dishes themselves are a work of art and piled high with the toppings of your choice (or not). JoJo has established herself as a homestyle owner, who works with her family on staff.

She was kind enough to give us an interview near the end of our visit, where she shared with the both of us her background story for the opening of the Shack.

JoJo is an all-around pleasant person to be around and a big contributor to the homely atmosphere that permeates through the restaurant.

Story by Amanda Russell, staff writer. Photos courtesy of Amanda Russell.

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