VSU students who are interested in indulging in another culture, while helping a community flourish can attend a Peace Corps recruitment event on Nov. 18 in the Magnolia Room in the UC. The Peace Corps is an independent government-funded agency that sends volunteers to live and work in one of 77 countries for 27 months. The volunteers must commit to ...
Read More »SHC adds Saturday hours
Students on campus who may find themselves sick during the weekend now have the option of visiting the Student Health Center during its extended Saturday hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Typically, the center did not include weekend service, operating only Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Aug. 21 marked ...
Read More »SHC to offer STD testing
The Student Health Center will provide free testing and information about Gonorrhea and Chlamydia from the hours of 3 through 5 p.m. on Oct. 21. This event will inform students about the dangers of living with an undocumented and untreated Sexually Transmitted Disease. All Students must attend a brief 10-15 minute meeting before they can be tested. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea ...
Read More »‘Easy A’: Rumor mill turns, impressions change
“Easy A” is the story of Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone) and her attempt to clear the air on a little white lie that spirals out of control. The film opens with Penderghast and her friend Rhiannon Abernathy (Alyson Michalka) talking about the weekend. When Abernathy pushes Penderghast to go camping with her and her nudist parents, Penderghast blurts out that ...
Read More »Facebook’s controversial beginnings inspire biofilm
Director, David Fincher, and his cohorts have given the internet age its cinematic manifesto with “The Social Network,” a deeply layered look at the young men who were involved in the founding of Facebook. The plot follows two lawsuits made against Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg), the sophomore Harvard student who created the social network that would eventually eclipse MySpace and ...
Read More »Campus ‘Thinks Pink’
As Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October is dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of breast cancer and just how many people suffer from the disease each day. Many student organizations on campus are in on the effort to raise awareness about Breast Cancer, but the most prominent one is Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. The pink signs around campus ...
Read More »Letters to the Editor
Spectator uneven in news coverage To whom it may concern, Valdosta State University’s independent student newspaper, The Spectator, has been a valuable means of information concerning issues and the interest of the students on this campus since its establishment. I first want to acknowledge that. I am writing this letter as a student and as the President of Valdosta State ...
Read More »People Poll: What are you most looking forward to for Fall Break?
Ann Marie Mascolo freshman early childhood major “Seeing my friends and family. I miss them so much!” Trent Taylor sophomore accounting major “Just chilling and not having to worry about school.” Reginald Ferguson junior nursing major “Volunteering for Second Harvest on ‘Make a Difference Day’.” Daniela Herrera sophomore biology major “Getting a break from school and seeing my family..” Kristin ...
Read More »We shouldn’t let race cloud our vision
Recently, it has been brought to our attention that some people have an issue with our coverage, and think we are unequal in our coverage of racial groups on campus. As an example, we did not have coverage of Avraye Henry winning Homecoming Queen, and a comment suggested that we should have covered the crowning because she was the first ...
Read More »Save the Family Jewels
(This opinion is to be considered a joke, please do not take offense and is supposed to bring attention to the breast cancer initiatives on campus.) After walking around campus for the past two weeks, I’ve noticed something. Everyone seems to be trying save the ta-tas. Now how can I deny such a noble and just cause? I am ...
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