Home / Opinions / Rant and Raves: January 28, 2010

Rant and Raves: January 28, 2010

When did individuality become a crime?  It bugs me to see so many students clown people who they think are “weird” for having a unique sense of style. By unique I don’t mean the ones who mix-match leggings with sequins and cardigans. I mean the ones who have a passion for what they like (whether it be fashion, music or science) and display it in their appearance. It doesn’t hurt to be your own person and not follow the pack. Just don’t joke about someone wearing red skinny jeans a year ago when you’re now wearing it with an extra-large green flannel shirt.
– Desiree Thompson
Staff Writer

I would just like to thank The Spectator for being my constant every week. I like things that are organized and constant. I love that fact that I can always count on The Spectator staff to produce a great issue for me to enjoy every week. They never let us down, they work hard to make sure we all get a copy of the school newspaper and i just wanted to say thank you very much to all the people who work on making TheSpectator worth my Thursdays!
-Priscilla Akrong

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