Students and teachers work hard in the academic world, while actors and singers work hard in the entertainment world. When the recession hit, both were impacted. Education, of course, received the worst of it.
News about cuts into HOPE, Pell Grant and school budgets have flooded the local media for the last several months. While those trying to better themselves are getting screwed over, entertainers continue to spend thousands of dollars towards minor things like say, oh, a dress to the Oscars.
Society should focus more on education rather than contributing to the million-dollar paychecks of the already rich-and-famous. Students better society. During our time here at VSU, we are learning new skills that will allow us to shape a new society.
We are striving for a better future, and we are the ones suffering for it.
According to an article from the Screen Rant Web site, the workers of the movie industry have received pay cuts. I can’t really sympathize with people still being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Celebrities might lead stressful lives, but there are those who have more problems than breakups and paparazzi. We should focus on helping those in need.
We should not have to be forced to pay more money for an education, while the celebrities continue to sit in their cushy houses and fancy cars.
I know they work hard to produce their records and movies. I know they are under a lot of pressure and getting massive paychecks is the social norm for them. But it doesn’t change the fact that they don’t need all the money they get. Depending on the job, they can comfortably live for several years on one paycheck; it’s all about money management.
When I hear about the latest in celebrity purchases, I think about those of us who might not be able to afford to attend school after the changes to HOPE and Pell go through. Some of us will have to leave or find another financial route. We will struggle, but those of us who survive will be of much better benefit to society for it.
Think about it this way. We are paying thousands of dollars for a degree that wouldn’t get us half of what celebrities get for every project they are a part of.
Everyone needs a stress relief such as music and film. The industry will not suffer for this fact. Education will better society and should be the nation’s priority, not the temporary entertainment the celebrities provide.