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Odum ‘On Skua Island’ for debut of book club

Written by: Abbie Baggerly

Mummies and pizza−who could ask for more?

Odum Library is kicking off its spring semester book club with a discussion about the short story “On Skua Island” by John Langan. The story is available for free at tinyurl.com/on-skua-island.

The book club will have two introductory meetings in Odum library, one at 1 p.m. Wednesday and one at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 

The story discussions will be held at 1 p.m., March 5, and 7:30 p.m., March 6. Pizza will be offered.              

Odum Library is only offering a discussion once this semester, but they hope to change that depending on the outcome of the first one.

“It’s basically a pilot at this stage, but we hope it develops into something permanent,” Howard Carrier, a reference librarian, said.

“‘On Skua Island’ is a mysterious, creepy story that deals with an unearthed mummy,” Carrier said. “The story is set during the cold war era, which explains why there are soldiers on a Scottish island.”

The story should produce a lot of interesting conversation because of its mysterious and unique nature. 

“The one thing we wanted to get across is that this isn’t a class; it’s not a professor or a librarian turning up to teach you how to read this or suggest that you should read it,” Carrier said.

The book club hopes to involve the students any way they can.  They want everyone to know that it’s for the students, but it’s not a time consuming event.

For more information, email Maureen at mpuffer@valdosta.edu.

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