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Fox misrepresents journalism

If Fox News serves as your primary news source, find a new source. Depriving and slanting information defeats the point of a news organization.

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VSU ignores veterans’ event

Nov. 11, 2011. 11/11/11. A rare date of wish making and parties was also an annual date of remembrance, or did you forget? By the looks of the crowd, or lack thereof, on the front lawn for VSU’s National Roll Call, it would seem so. From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., 52 people within the VSU and Valdosta communities stood ...

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Cain campaign remains strong

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain has been slammed with sexual harassment charges for the past two months. Despite the allegations of these women, Cain’s popularity has remained steady in the GOP presidential field. This comes as no surprise since sex scandals and politics seem to go hand in hand; involving many political figures such as former President Bill Clinton and ...

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People Poll: What are your plans for Black Friday?

“I’ll be recovering from Thanksgiving dinner.” Samuel Herrin freshman history major “I’m waking up at 3 a.m., hitting Target, Kohl’s and Amazon.com; they have awesome Black Friday deals.” Beth Thompson junior psychology major “I’m going to the liquor store and buying alcohol. I might do a little shopping.” Marvis Gates II sophomore exercise physiology major “I have to work, so ...

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Split breaks provide relaxation

Thanksgiving break is so close I can almost taste that delicious bird and my mom’s homemade stuffing, but first we will have to endure two more days of class before that mouth-watering break. What’s so bad about that? Apparently, some universities give their students the whole week of Thanksgiving off, while others, like VSU, split the break into a three ...

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People Poll: What do you think about the Sunday ban on alcohol sales ending?

“There was no need for that law in the first place.” Micah Howell sophomore mass media major “I don’t really drink so the passing of the law doesn’t affect me, but I’m sure some people will love this.” Jazz Williams sophomore mass media major “Seeing that I don’t drink, it really doesn’t affect me. It will be good for state ...

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Unthink launches social network

Everybody, these days, wants to be famous. The stars of “Jersey Shore” are tremendously famous for fighting with each other and portraying negativity on national television. Every so-called “wife” on the “Basketball Wives” and “Basketball Wives: LA” shows are famous for not being actual basketball wives. Upstart Unthink is no different. This is an organization that focuses all of its ...

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Protests change our world

They marched. They fought. They shouted, protested and prayed. And they won. Tuesday marked the final day of Valdosta voting. Along with the new mayor (congratulations John Gayle), Sunday alcohol referendum (alcohol is now sold on Sundays in Valdosta, awesome) and Valdosta Council at Large, the no school consolidation movement succeeded. While a few, the 1 percent if you will, ...

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Veterans deserve appreciation

Listen. Listen for the 6,200 names. It could have been you; but because it wasn’t, listen and pay respect. In honor of Veteran’s Day, VSU’s chapter of Student Veterans of America will sponsor a Remembrance Day Roll Call beginning at 8 a.m. on Friday. VSU faculty, staff and students will read the names of the 6,200 plus men and women ...

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Protestors meet police brutality

Police attack Occupy protests in Denver. Police fire tear gas at anti-Wall Street protesters. These two headlights glimpse into the various violent police attacks on the Occupy groups. In Denver this past weekend, police pepper sprayed, fired rubber bullets at and arrested protesters. A total of 77 people have been arrested since the start of Occupy Denver; this past weekend, ...

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