VSU’s Resident Fine Arts Department kicked off their 2018-19 season with the production of “Hands on a Hardbody,” a musical based on the 1997 documentary that was first performed on Broadway in 2013. This is a story of 10 contestants hoping to win a “hardbody” truck by being the last person to let go of it and drive away with their ...
Read More »Financial Literacy and VSYou: Tips to help students’ financial literacy
Like a strange growth on their otherwise simple lives, finances are something all students are aware of but few truly understand. Navigating the complexities of budget-making and credit building can help younger students take that first step in accepting this new aspect of their lives and be all the better for it. Literacy is an all-time important factor for living, ...
Read More »Spotlight: Former alumna becomes VSU director
This year VSU has gained not just a new set of eager freshman for the 2018 fall semester, but also a new staff member to guide and provide them with ample opportunities to feel included. Sandra Jones became VSU’s director of Student Diversity and Inclusion on June 22. As the former employee relations coordinator, Jones knows she must welcome all ...
Read More »Remembering our staff
As incoming freshman start classes this semester, our hearts can’t forget those who are no longer with us for this new year of learning. Students and faculty alike mourn these bright individuals who did their best to make VSU’s campus just a tiny bit better. Amelia “Laney” Dowdy, 26, was born Feb. 10, 1992. She was a psychology major at ...
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