So who’s ready to turn out Valdosta High stadium for the first home game of the season tonight? I know I am—I have my towel ready! Oh, who runs the world? Blazer Women’s soccer and volleyball team do. Congrats on the winning streak ladies! Good news just follows good news and in celeb-mom news, Mel B from the groovy girls ...
Read More »Pop Addict: VMA Wrap-Up
What’s good, pop addicts? Just another hot day at VSU, huh? The heat really is a pretty big nuisance. Can you say winter, please? Anyway, one thing you know you can get from me is the latest celebs news, and like I promised last Thursday, I got something JUICY—the VMAs! So did anyone actually understand the opening with Lady—or, Sir—Gaga? ...
Read More »PopAddict: Death, divorce, love in Hollyweird
What’s popping, pop addicts!? Did you miss me any? Don’t answer that! If you haven’t heard a lot of drama since the last time we talked, then you obviously haven’t been tuned in to any media outlets. I don’t know what I’m more excited about. So how about I fill you in on the excitement of last week. Where to ...
Read More »PopAddict: Hollywood seeks new stars, shows
What’s up addicts? Wait a minute! There’s like a week left of school. Where the “jack” did April go? I don’t even remember pranking anybody on April 1. Finals are here; how will I cope? I know one way…and I believe my addicts do too. Duh, with the latest dirt on Hollyweird! Now what is this I hear about President ...
Read More »PopAddict: Hudson into supernatural, GaGa misunderstood
What’s poppin’ pop addicts? Another day, but at least it’s at the end of the week. Some people got baked Wednesday and others went to Mickey D’s for that job interview (I know some people were car pooling—but I’m not calling out any names), so overall who can complain? So let’s get into this dirt for this week, shall we? ...
Read More »Pop Addict: Hollywood’s dark side comes out to play
How’s it going fellow pop addicts!? I would rate my week an 8.5 out of 10. Yes, it was just that great. I have to say that the impersonation show Tuesday was a treat! If you missed the show, you missed out on a lot. It was too much for Twitter—seriously! Anyway, let me get right into it because I ...
Read More »Baby bump, reality shows, hit singles in, football out
Hello fellow pop addicts! This week’s weather has been like a rollercoaster, hasn’t it? So who’s ready for this week’s dirt? I know you are because I have some treats for you! All the big ballers who didn’t find it smart to invest are about to be hurt big-time with the lockout. So with Sundays and Mondays gone, what will ...
Read More »“Good” celebrities go bad, GaGa gets fashion column
Hey fellow pop addicts! It’s been a rainy week so far, hasn’t it? I really need to invest in some rain boots—any ideas anyone? While you’re trying to come up with some places for me to go, I’m going to go ahead and dish out the dirt for this week! The State Trooper has been busy, busy, busy, I see! ...
Read More »PopAddict: Rap fame comes easier, Perry goes ‘E.T.’
So how was everybody’s spring break? Who all enjoyed the sun in South Beach or the adventures of Panama City? How about St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah? Well, wherever you went over the break...
Read More »Sheen fired, Smith seeks young audience
So, who’s ready for spring break? I know I am! I brought out my flip flops, beach towel and hopefully I can snag me a hottie in hot Miami. No matter where you’re going—I pray that this break takes you somewhere—remember to have fun and let loose! But before you do that, let me send you away with something to ...
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