here’s the spirit? Have students lost their usual Title town fever in favor of the more real flu fever, or has the lack of financial prosperity lightened more than just wallet? Perhaps it is the fault of our usually high powered football team. The students of Valdosta State University need to get up and give back and the root of the problem seems to be the overwhelming lack of spirit.
The first noticeable thing lacking from VSU is the overall drive to care about current events on campus. Other than Ashleigh Kenny, most students seem to be taking a page right out of Apathy for Dummies. The Spectator, for one, has seen negligible participation from students suggesting that most people just don’t care. If there is an issue has intrigue in anyway then it should be discussed, and not just by the editors.
Do the constitutional changes being proposed by the SGA not matter? What about money being spent or saved by various student organizations? And I suppose that no one is being affected by the abundant, and random, outcrops of construction all over campus.
In the sporting world the football team has tallied its worst start in more than ten years yet few people seem to have noticed. Likewise, the university announces the addition of a women’s soccer team for the fall of 2011 and there isn’t even a peep from the student body. It is troubling that even sports can’t warm the blood of the residents of Title town.
It seems fair that some students would be worried and even quieted by the flu epidemic, but the reality is that we have the records. The entire school is not recovering from that sickness. Those who did have symptoms had to deal with the over booking of Farber, yet little was said to raise concern.
The financial standing of the various student organizations has gone largely unnoticed and few of those organizations seem to care what people think about them as they move through the semester in relative ambiguity, or so it seems.
The student body on campus needs to look in the mirror and ask itself where the spirit and school pride have gone. It is nearly half way through the fall (congrats to everyone who made it this far), and it was unclear whether the campus had a pulse until the signs and shirts promoting awareness for breast cancer and domestic abuse littered the mall.
Stand up VSU and look around. Then ask yourself what is going on around me and why is it so important. If you have an answer to either of those questions then just take the next step. Have an opinion.
This editorial was written by Michael Wilson ( and it expresses the opinion of the entire editorial staff.