Written by Jyrell Wynn, Staff Writer
Paranoia invaded Southern California on Nov. 7 as witnesses reported seeing a bright white light flying through the night skies.
In a CNN article, Witness Matt McKee described the scene as a strange experience.
“What was weird, the tail was light and wide and it got bluer and bluer,” McKee said. “Then it just burned out and went away.”
Videos of the incident were posted all over social media as onlookers reported what they saw.
According to an article in The Guardina, Julian Solomita was shooting footage with a group when they noticed the sky apparition. “It was very wild watching this in the sky,” Solomita said. “I can’t really say what I thought it was because I’ve never experienced anything remotely close to it.”
Residents in Nevada, Arizona, and northern California’s Sonoma Valley had seen the light.
California state senator Mike Miguire posted on Facebook asking if “anybody else saw the white ball of light?”
Aliens, meteors, and other explanations were given as the police were flooded with calls.
The US military reassured witnesses by explaining the “alien invaders” was an unarmed missile test from the submarine USS Kentucky. According to the Pentagon, the Navy Strategic Programs was conducting tests off the coast of Southern California. The tests were performed at the Pacific Test Range, a Navy testing area of cruise missiles from surface ships and submarines.
Commander Ryan Perry described how the scheduled tests were supposed to evaluate the reliability of the system and provide vital information on their capabilities.
Uncertainty arose about whether the tests related to rerouting nightly flights into and out of LA International Airport due to military airspace until Nov. 12.