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People poll: How do you feel about politics after 2017?

“My views have changed only because we went from Obama to Trump and I don’t know how to deal with it,” Devin Neal, a junior business major, said.

“My views on politics haven’t really changed. Trump with this wall though; I see his purpose, but there are many ways he can work around that. With all this foreign policy, I think he needs to focus more internally,” Vaughn Kelly, a sophomore history major, said.

“I think I more so started to care about politics because initially shying away from it and not talk about it, but everything is very controversial now. So I am trying to learn more now. In general, I grew up very religious and my parents are Republican, but there are some things that the Republican Party does that I am not okay with and also there are things the Democratic Party does that I am not okay with, I think I am more so in between though,” Keturah Howard, a freshman biology major, said.

“I lived in a family where we didn’t really talk about politics and 2017 was the first year I was able to vote. The two candidates we had, I was kind of sad that was my first vote and it was going to be toward that. As the year has progressed, I don’t care whether you are white, black, Republican, or Democrat, that doesn’t determine anything. I just think people need to love more and just be more open and just listen because there is so many things wrong with the world and how I stand shouldn’t determine how you feel about someone. We all need to love more and in lieu of what is happening it’s sad and disheartening that it’s happening in America,” Rachel Dawkins, a junior public relations major, said.

“I don’t know much about what is happening globally, but it seems like the United States is coming together and ‘Make America Great Again,” Blake Dixon, a freshman international business major, said.

Quotes and photos by Kaitlyn Baich, Staff Writer. 

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