Written by Stuart Price, Staff Writer
CORE Outdoors has a huge line of events in store for the VSU community this October.
The next big things you have to look forward to are the Fall Break trips. Students can travel to North Carolina for a hiking and rafting trip Oct. 9 to 13 or go to Jekyll Island from Oct. 10 to 13 to enjoy a weekend full of camping, kayaking and biking.
On October 18, Core Outdoors will host a trip to Wakulla Springs near Tallahassee to kayak with the manatees! CORE grad assistant Jacquelyn Kelly, a ten-time veteran of this trip, said that it’s a great day-trip for students to get their feet wet in the CORE community.
The trip is open to any students who wish to attend for only $30 which includes transportation, gear, lunch for the day, and a great up-close experience with manatees. Registration takes place in the CORE office located on the bottom floor of the Sustella Parking Deck. There will also be a pre-trip meeting on Friday the October 16 where students attending can meet other people going on the trip, discuss lunch possibilities and go over the trip itinerary.
Another event open to all students is Free Tech Day coming up on October 21st from 2 to 6 p.m. Here, students can harness up and go through a huge challenge course that includes rope swings, cargo nets, broken bridges and a huge zip line! The challenge course is located off the Azalea Trail behind Sustella parking deck so you don’t have to go any further than your own backyard to enjoy this event.
CORE Outdoors is always hosting a variety of fun and cost efficient trips and activities that can be found at its website at Valdosta.edu.