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Review: Twitter character limit change

Twitter is trying out a new character limit that has been the topic of discussion since late September. With only certain Twitter users able to use more characters, it has received mixed reviews.

Junior Nique Jones feels the new update is a bit excessive.

“For me, Twitter is supposed to be short, sweet and to the point,” Jones said. “I feel with the updated character limit it could get annoying really fast.”

Personally, with Twitter doubling the character limit, I feel as though it is getting closer in comparison with Facebook. Being that I’m used to reading 140 characters, and now people can basically type an entire paragraph about nonsense, it’s too much.

Senior Jessica Thomas also believes the new update could become a nuisance.

“I like the idea, but some people really don’t need that many characters,” Thomas said. “I’m not about to read an essay on Twitter.”

Some students like sophomore Elisa Miller think the update is actually beneficial.

“I think the 200 plus characters is cool,” Miller said. “It was kind of hard saying everything I had to say in 140 characters.”

The updated limit could give users the ability to say everything they may need without having to abbreviate what they want to say.

There are pros and cons to the new update. But, I feel as though Twitter didn’t necessarily have to double the characters. It gives people the opportunity to say more, but maybe making the limit 160 or so would have been a better way to ease people into it.

Overall, VSU students have mixed emotions about the new character limit, but I wonder what else Twitter may have in store.

Story by Taylor Sutherland, staff writer.

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