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Campus Life

Be Healthy: College students smoke despite health risks

Cigarette smoking is becoming increasingly popular among college age students around the nation– even here at VSU.   Even though we pay it no mind (unless you happen to sit next to the guy that smells like a pack of cigarettes) campus is full of students smoking.   According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) one third ...

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Valdosta National 2013 to continue public viewing

People weaved in and out of the Fine Arts Gallery viewing new artwork that is priced as high as $12, 000 and will be available until Feb. 3.   They were the first to visually sample the 25th Valdosta National, which is a juried art competition containing 52 pieces of art by 42 artists.   Each piece in the gallery ...

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SpecTech: Mastered 4K Blu-rays arrives soon

Hello and welcome back Spec Techies to a new year.  Glad to know that we all did NOT vanish on Dec. 21. Let’s catch up on new tech from the CES event last week. First, the show was mostly about 4K television sets.  Don’t know what 4K is?  Well, it is an Ultra High Definition (UHD) pixel resolution.  Its pixel ...

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PopAddict: ‘Kimye’ announces baby bump, JT releases new single

Hello World—Anthony here with Pop Addict again to bring you all the latest news and gossip since December.   Since we left over a month ago, a Kardashian is pregnant again, the world didn’t end (thanks a lot Mayans), Beyoncé is back with a vengeance, Justin Timberlake made an anti-climactic return to music and Award Show season is in full ...

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Profile: Blazer baseball coach pens guide to offense

VSUs baseball coach, Todd Guilliams, has recently turned his team’s offensive successes into a published book titled “High Scoring Baseball: The complete Guide to Run Production.” Writing a book was never one of Guilliams’ goals, but when the opportunity presented itself he took full advantage of it. “Greg and I spoke at a convention a couple of years ago about ...

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Florida professor to discuss back issues

Today in Powell Hall Dr. Brian Harfe will be presenting his latest finding on the development of the intervertebral discs at 4 p.m. Not only does he teach at the University of Florida College of Medicine, but Dr. Harfe is the director of the Developmental Genetics program at the University of Florida. Also, according to the University of Florida, Dr. ...

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PopAddict: Lohan plays an unlikely Liz

Pop Addict #14   Hello World—Anthony here bringing you the final Pop Addict for 2012. That is if the Mayans are right and the world ends in three weeks. Otherwise, I’ll be back reporting on the ratchetness of the celebrity world in 2013.   If the Mayans are correct, at least we won’t have to deal with Chris Brown’s anger ...

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SpecTech: Gift ideas for the tech lover in your life

Well, tis the season to want new tech. With all these new and fun devices, I thought I would recommend some products that you might want to ask for Christmas or buy for a family member or a really good friend. First off, for a 10-inch tablet I would recommend either the Google Nexus 10 or the iPad with Retina ...

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Film fest comes to Union

Lights, cameras, action! All eyes will be on the participants in this year’s Film and Video Festival at 4 p.m. on Dec 1 in the University Center Theater. The festival will be hosted by the Film and Video Society of VSU. Short films, music videos and animations will be shown to showcase the talents of VSU students in the Mass ...

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America fights back

Red Dawn is a remake of the 1984 classic movie about a group of high school kids who take up arms against an invading communist threat.   In the remake, the cast is mostly made up of young actors and actresses– some of which you may know. Chris Hemsworth was known for his role as Thor from the Avengers, Josh ...

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