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Mayer, shut your mouth

Well, John Mayer, it looks like you still want to run through the halls of your high school.
I thought “kissing and telling” went out the window once a certain age was reached. Apparently this guy didn’t get the memo. Not only did he put one foot in his mouth with the racial slur during his interview with “Playboy,” he should’ve shoved both feet in his mouth when he disrespected Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston. Have a little decency, will you? Not everyone cares to know that you like crack, Jessica Simpson’s sexual capabilities or Jessica’s crack, whichever one it was.
While cocaine may cause weight loss, Christie Christensen found out one thing that doesn’t. The Cali girl claims that Jillian Michaels’ maximum strength calorie control product doesn’t work. The directions say to take two capsules before each main meal and you’ll see results quickly. Apparently Ms. Christensen missed the little asterisk beside that statement. Usually, that means “results not typical.” As Christensen said, Michaels should know that two capsules won’t cause weight loss. Well, duh. Any girl over the age of 16 knows that. I guess the economy has either gotten that bad or that McDonald’s coffee lady has a daughter.
While Christensen is making headlines, “American Chopper” is too, but only to inform Americans that their favorite family brawlers will no longer be on the air. After six seasons, the fighting took a turn for the worse, causing serious family drama, not suitable for television, of course.
Channing Tatum revealed some of his past adventures to Ellen DeGeneres, revealing that he used to be a stripper. The star of “Dear John” even gave Ellen a sample of his old profession. Ellen joked, saying if she only had a dollar, she could have kept him going. Oh Ellen, if only we all had a dollar.

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