The fresh air of fall is right around the corner. Breathe in real deep and you can smell the fragrance of freshly laid asphalt. Take a stroll through our beautiful main campus and notice the demolished building. Try to walk directly anywhere and be greeted by construction partitions. Enjoy only one-fourth of our library’s total square footage and bask in the lovely heat of a broken air conditioning system during summer. Take a whole hour to find a parking space that you helped pay for with your parking pass. Wait a second, none of that sounds attractive at all.
You would think that administration would have set out a better schedule for construction or demolitions. You would think that the people getting paid would have determined the best time to tear down a building would not be in the middle of the week with all of the students walking 20 meters from the carnage. You would think that someone would hurry up and make a decision on the parking situation. I’m guessing the administration is too busy deciding on what color to paint West Hall. I wonder if the administration is even thinking.
Now that I have your attention, I hope that you have noticed that I am a little perturbed. If the SGA isn’t going to do anything about it, then I guess it’s time for the student body to say something. If you run into an SGA member or know of one, please mention the issue. Let them know that you are not happy with the campus looking like my bedroom after a week binger. Also, complain to every SGA member or administrator about the parking situation and give recommendations, like not allowing freshmen to have cars if they live in the dorm, like some other colleges are doing. Inform them that having a building being demolished next to their dorm probably upped the dosage of asbestos and lead to all time highs.
Tags 2010-09-09 2010-2011 James Silvernale
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