Parking around campus is the top complaint of students. The Parking and Transportation Department’s most recent idea for generating revenue would only exacerbate the complaints.
In the Student Government Association meeting on March 7, the idea of Parking and Transportation installing parking meters on campus was introduced. The parking meters are in early stages of planning and would only be temporary with the first installation, SGA President Demario Jones said.
According to the Parking and Transportation website, 7,237 student permits were issued in fall 2010. That number of permits at $50 each brings in $361,850. Nine hundred and fifty-three reserved permits were issued at the same time, bringing in $57,180. The 479 staff permits issued in the fall brings in $17,244.
On top of the revenue brought in by parking permits, each student is charged a $20 transportation fee.
After all those fees, parking citations around campus are an additional form revenue.
Adding parking meters to bring in revenue seems excessive and unnecessary.
Having parking meters around campus defeats the purpose of paying for a permit. The rights to parking spaces around campus have already been paid for by the permits and the transportation fee.
Students aren’t likely to park where they’ll have to pay for something they’ve already paid for. It is double charging, no matter what SGA senators want to think.
Saying that these parking meters would make students more aware when using 45-minute spaces doesn’t make sense. Students are already aware of the time constraints. If they exceed the 45-minute time, then they come back to a ticket on the windshield which will have to be paid and bring in revenue anyway.
If only a few parking meters are installed, it will be easy for those parking on campus to avoid those spots in favor of the ones that won’t require extra payment.
Parking meters installed in Washington D.C. in 2009 and cost the city about $7,000 each.
If the price tag for the parking meters at VSU is similar to the one Washington D.C. paid, then it seems the costs may be more than the benefits.
Adding parking meters would add an extra complication for students trying to make it to classes.