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You decide your GPA

Contrary to popular belief, social networking sites such as Facebook are not the major cause of a sinking GPA.

According to a survey conducted of about 13,900 incoming college freshmen, alcohol is in fact, the most significant factor involving the student GPA.

According to Todd Wyatt, a doctoral candidate at George Mason University and director of research at Outside the Classroom (an organization that develops programs addressing institutional liabilities, such as high-risk drinking), alcohol is a heavy influence on campuses that reduces the amount of study time a student may have on their side.

Studies show that students spent 24 hours a week studying in the 1960s. As of 2005, that number has dropped to 11 hours.

I agree with Wyatt as far as alcohol being a major hobby, but it is still up to the student whether or not his or her GPA suffers.

You see, college is the place where you learn to adapt. Everyone knows that Facebook is the place to be for our generation. As soon as we get in from class, work, eating, or even using the restroom, we log on to see what has transpired within the last couple of minutes.

It is very easy to become addicted to social networking; however, we are all also young adults and we do not have to allow our favorite past times to control our work ethic. This is the same concept for the alcohol-lovers.

Knowing that you love to drink should make you manage your time even more. You should want to plan schedules that are flexible enough to not let your college life interfere with your party life. If you want to drink, but know you have a test coming soon, plan ahead and make a wise decision that will positively affect your GPA.

In fact, it would not be a bad idea to simply study for a test, ace it, and then celebrate with the alcohol you were going to drink to flunk it. So whether you are constantly online or you like drinking, it is still up to you how much you will let it affect your academic progress.

There are some students who drink and network together, but they end up on the Dean’s List simply because they understand there is a time and place for everything.

In conclusion, I feel neither the alcohol nor the Internet is the deciding factor of how your GPA turns out, but it is the person.
So have fun, but drink and socialize all in moderation.

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One comment

  1. YOU decide not only your GPA, but your lif’e’s direction. Yes, drinking excessively does have long term effects. Brain cells lost forever.Friend who died drinking & driving. Lost Careers Get Rea!!!!!!


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