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GOP race becomes a farce

Like characters in an Agatha Christie novel, the GOP presidential hopefuls are falling one by one as the primaries get underway. It’s been an interesting race that has had its share of gaffs and hilarity.

The first to go was Herman Cain. His campaign was plagued by claims of sexual harassment by a number of women that had worked for him in the past. His unpopular 9-9-9 tax plan showed him to be out of touch with the country’s need for a balanced approach to the tax law.

Michelle Bachmann drops out after a poor showing in Iowa caucus. While the need for showing women as viable candidates within the GOP for presidency, it was women like Palin that opened the door for Bachmann to throw her hat into the ring. Did her poor showing in Iowa reflect the country’s need for an intelligent candidate that should be strong and not subservient to her husband, as Bachmann claimed on many occasions? By the end of her candidacy she had become a parody of herself, often eloquently pointed out by the left side of the media.

John Huntsman drops out after the New Hampshire primary and endorses Mitt Romney who he, earlier in the race, called out of touch and unqualified.

Those left running: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Rick Perry.

Rick Santorum’s strong second place finish in Iowa may not be enough to keep him in the running, because frankly, his passionate plight against the gays has him strongly out of touch with mainstream America.

Speaking of out of touch, Newt Gingrich saying that he is not rich hits at the hearts of middle class America’s who do not bring home his salary. His speaking fees for one speech is often more than some American’s bring home yearly! What’s worse is his call to have poor black kids be the janitors at their school.

A little known candidate for the GOP is Fred Karger, an openly gay candidate who has been shut out of the debates by a poor percentage in previous polls. However, Fox News allowed Santorum access to debates when he polled as badly as had Karger. As a result, Karger’s name hasn’t been commonplace in the primaries. It could be that or the fact that America may not be ready for a gay Republican president.

At the heart of all these matters, the one that touches home with students is what do these politicians have to say about education?

Romney wrote about his opposition to bilingual education, saying that students were being forced into bilingual classes just so those teachers could keep their jobs.

Romney had supported abolishing the Dept. of Education, but has changed his position that has him now in direct opposition of the Republican base. At the end of the day, Romney now supports “No Child Left Behind” whereas he was in opposition to it in previous statements.

Gingrich supported an effort to pay kids as incentive to learn math and science 9/07 (interesting concept, but it flies in the face of the Republican efforts to control spending).

Santorum opposes Obama’s comments that all students deserve some form of higher education, calling it snobbery. If his homeschooled children have college aspirations, would he consider them snobs for wanting higher education?

Paul commented during a primary debate in Michigan that the policy of student loans is a total failure that students are receiving a poorer education and costs that have skyrocketed because of inflation, and they don’t have jobs. He advocates getting rid of the loan programs and the Department of Education. If Paul wants to eliminate the loan program, would he consider writing off each of our student loans?

Some of their ideas could be moot points, considering that a Virginia federal judge ruled against Perry, Gingrich and Santorum, who are seeking a spot on Virginia’s March 6 primary ballot. The candidates challenged the state’s residency requirements for those seeking to circulate ballot petitions, but Judge John Gibney ruled against the challenge. Their absence on the primary ballot could be a game changer for these candidates.

Regardless of your political leanings, as a student, I suggest looking at where these politicians are planning to make changes to your education and education dollars.

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One comment

  1. Rick perry has suspended his campaign as well.

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