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Staying healthy over the holidays

Don’t let your hard work in the gym go to waste this holiday season.

Whether you are going home or traveling with family for the holidays, make sure you don’t overdo it. There’s a way to enjoy the festivities but not also relapsing into bad habits. Don’t put yourself back at square one—remain disciplines and plan ahead.

We all know how tempting the holiday spread will be, and that most likely you don’t want to say no to a slice of pie or cake—that’s OK. The key is moderation. In order to avoid over indulging on deserts, fill 90 percent of your plate with foods you know are good for you– such as collard greens, sweet potatoes, green beans, lima beans and white meat cuts. Use the other 10 percent for comfort foods like dressing and Mac &cheese. By using this method you are less likely to fill up on sweets.

It is also helpful to plan ahead if you plan on traveling. To avoid packing on the pounds during your road trip, prepare and bring your own snacks instead of stopping for fast food. Hummus, carrots, apples, trail mix, && sandwiches are all quick and easy snacks for the road. The key to a healthy travel is to not put yourself in tempting situations that will challenge your will power. It is hard to say no to cheese loaded French fries and greasy hamburgers that are offered at most of the highway fast food stops.

If you still want to maintain your muscle gains and keep up your cardio endurance throughout the holidays, don’t worry– make sure to check out Be Healthy’s “Back up Workout” article via www.vsuspectator.com.

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