Home / Fall 2013 / Letter to the editor: ObamaCare, not so great

Letter to the editor: ObamaCare, not so great

I am writing in response to Von Kennedy’s article entitled “ObamaCare: No Glitch” published in The Spectator. Like our current president and the numerous liberal congressmen who helped shove the highly unpopular ObamaCare down the throats of Americans, Von is apparently oblivious to why the majority is upset with this bill. It may be because they are beginning to feel the full effects of it! You may recall Senator Pelosi’s famous words, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Of course Americans are upset with the difficulty of signing up for ObamaCare online, as the government has had ample opportunity to perfect the system, but like most things that are controlled by the government we are starting to see that this is the beginning of a complete disaster. For those few Americans who have made it to the point where they can start shopping for plans on the site (states such as AK and ND are currently reporting 25 or less who have signed up for a plan), they are becoming distressed over the costs of such plans (i.e. they aren’t any cheaper and the deductible has increased). They are also wondering why, in complete contradiction to what the president said, they are unable to keep their current coverage or doctor.

One must also ponder the question, if ObamaCare is so great then why aren’t the president and the senators who helped pass it eagerly jumping on the opportunity to sign up for a plan themselves? This was actually a bargaining deal Republicans offered Democrats during the government shutdown, but the Democrats refused. If they don’t want in, you know it must be great! Like Von I too am reminded of words from a mentor, “Americans are spending more time reading health plan cancellation notices than Democrats spent reading.”

Caleb Thomas
Valdosta Citizen

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