Home / Fall 2016 / SGA discusses sponsorships, legislation

SGA discusses sponsorships, legislation

Photo Illustration by Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Written by Jada Dukes, Staff Writer

VSU SGA’s most recent meeting included talks of sponsorships, officer positions, campus events and new legislation.

The meeting began with a presentation from two members of the on-campus fraternity, Kappa Alpha Si. Two members came before the senate to ask for a co-sponsorship from SGA in the amount of $350 for their annual leadership conference titled “CLASS.”

After a thorough discussion, the senate ultimately decided to refrain from voting on the topic until more information was given.

The senate also discussed a sponsorship for the on-campus dance fraternity, Delta Phi Delta. The dance fraternity sent SGA a letter asking for support for a community service event called “Mummy Madness.” The senate, after another round of thorough discussion, decided to donate $50 of candy.

Afterward Comptroller Erin Shaw reported that the current balance for the SGA allocation account is $8,493.03.

SGA President Maya Mapp spoke to the senate about sending their letter of approval to the rec center to affirm that SGA is supporting their decision to increase intramural fees to $10.

Secretary Jasmine Jackson probed the senate for ideas for their weekly ‘energizer booth’ that will be taking place in the student union every Wednesday from 12-2 p.m. The senate decided Wednesday the energizer booth would be used to poll students about their thoughts on topics such as dining.

During the Vice President report, Vice President Othellious Cato conducted a vote for two officer positions. Two Senators were voted into the position of President Pro-Tempore and Parliamentarian.

Toward the end of the meeting, Senator David Silas spoke of two bills he needed help with: The first being an inclusive bill for student with disabilities and the second being a bill pushing for water filtration systems to be installed in the residence halls.

Senator Christopher Slayton spoke about a form of legislation he and a few other senators were working on that would extend the 45 minute parking spots to 60 minutes.

The next meeting is Sept. 26 at 8 p.m.


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