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Keep your stuff safe

Coming to college for the first time, you have to expect that some things will not go your way. You may have problems keeping up with all of your required work. You may have issues with your roommates and even certain professors, or you may choose that horrible class in which can’t seem to understand the material.

Some problems are inevitable when it comes to furthering your education. Some problems, alas, are caused by stupidity.

Since the beginning of the year, there have been reports from students who would leave their dorm rooms unlocked for a short period of time, only to discover their belongings were missing.

In Patterson Hall, theft has occurred frequently within the last few weeks. At least two computers and a gaming system were stolen from students themselves who live in the hall.

Reports from Lowndes and Hopper also indicate an increase in missing computers or theft. It is hard to point the finger at anyone because of the number of students coming and going within the residence halls.

Officers are doing what they can to get to the bottom of the issues, but students have to take responsibility of protecting their own belongings. Residents should lock their doors every time they exit their rooms, even if they are simply going down the hall. You would be surprised how fast someone can get in and out of a dorm.

Also, students should keep inventory on all valuable items. This will help them keep an idea of what they have and where they keep it so it will be easier to notice if the item, in fact, has gone missing.

Another thing students should do is be careful of who they let inside their dorms. It is ok to allow a friend to hang out for a little while, but make sure you are well acquainted with a visitor and he or she is not someone you met through Facebook.

It would be wise for a student to put away all valuable belongings so that people walking by cannot peer into the dorm room and get a glimpse of his or her belongings.
Affording college is already a challenge for most students. You don’t need to replace everything you own because of a latch you didn’t turn or by trusting a person you didn’t know.

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