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Campus-wide art show continues

Written by Stephen Cavallaro


Monday, the VSU Fine Art Gallery showcased over a hundred student-submitted works to the public at the VSU Student Art Competition review.


The exhibition was one of three presented by the Fine Arts Department each year.


Chairman Alan MacTaggart of Georgia Regents University judged the event that featured over 205 submissions from 77 students.


The review displayed the review displayed 57 students presenting 107 pieces along with their experiences, and inspiration.


A large turnout showed up to the gallery for the review and the art will be shown until April 5.


Blake Pearce, Head of the Art Department led the exhibit.


“A nice example of a lot of the work we are doing across the program.”


The competitors flooded the gallery, answering spectator inquiries and conversing about the results.


Megan Spann, senior art major, submitted a monotype print.


“I’m just excited about getting into the show period…it was a great show.”


Arianan Scott, senior art major, submitted three pictures on human trafficking.


“The outcome came out wonderful…I am glad so many people put in for the show”


This exhibits, not only highlighted the department and its progress, but allowed the students to grow and succeed.


“I gained more experience on what judges are looking for,” Scott said.


“Coming [to VSU] opened my eyes to realize that there was an art world and people who care about art in the way that I do,” Brandon Hollis, senior art major said.


Hollis had his own gallery of illustrations featured at the exhibit, and one of his drawings recently received a second place award at a show in Albany.


Dr. McKinney, an admirer of the arts, thanked the students for their creativity and for being part of the event.


“I wish for these students (in the future) to always be unafraid. It takes a lot of courage to do what they do,” McKinney said.


McKinney’s was amazed by the digital photography of the old Remerton mill.


“It’s one thing to look at it yourself and have your own interpretation of their art, but to hear their interpretation is mind blowing. It gives your eyes a whole new way to look at the world.”


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