Home / Fall 2014 / McKinney shifts student affairs

McKinney shifts student affairs

Written By: Elan Waite & John Stephen


One day he was in, and the next he was out.

Russell Mast, a VSU staff member since 1989, no longer works for VSU in any capacity as of last Thursday, according to VSU President William McKinney.


On Sept. 25, Dr. McKinney sent an email to all VSU students, faculty, staff and retirees, announcing that Dr. Hudson Rogers, currently serving as provost and vice president for academic affairs, was now the acting vice president for student affairs.


Dr. McKinney never explained in the email why Mast no longer holds his former position and didn’t even mention him. Instead, he talked only of Dr. Rogers and of moving forward.


“Hudson has my full faith and confidence, and I hope that you will join me in welcoming and supporting him in his expanded role,” McKinney said.


McKinney refused to comment on the Mast situation.


“I can’t and won’t comment on any kind of personnel matter at this point, so please understand that and respect that,” Dr. McKinney said.


Rogers also said it was an issue that he could not comment on.


McKinney said that while Rogers will be acting vice president for student affairs, Mast’s other position as dean of students will remain vacant for now.


The separation of the titles may be one of the changes put into place with the reconstruction of the student affairs department. McKinney has assigned a task force the responsibility of coming up with ideas for the department. The task force had their first meeting Oct. 1.


In his 25 years at VSU, Mast served at several posts, including assistant dean of students (1998-2002), director of student activities (1991-1998), and director of intramural and recreation (1989-1991).


He earned the respect of many students who grew close to him while he served the students of VSU.


“Me and Dean Mast had a pretty good relationship,” Tyler Barker, SGA president, said. “He was pretty receptive and open to me being president. If there was anything I needed as far as insight on the University, anything as far as personnel matters, he was willing to lend a helping hand in regards to best serving the students and helping me do my job.”



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