Home / Fall 2015 / ‘Deez Nuts’ actual candidate or expression of America’s frustration towards politics?

‘Deez Nuts’ actual candidate or expression of America’s frustration towards politics?

Written by Erin Martin, Staff Writer

There is a thin line between politics and entertainment.

15-year-old Brady Olson filed for presidency under the name “Deez Nuts”, which is also the title of a popular internet video.

When Olson filed as a third party on July 26, everyone wanted to know exactly who the person behind the “Deez Nuts” campaign was.

Shockingly, people jumped on the bandwagon to support “Deez Nuts” without even knowing who he was. Olsen gained 9 percent of the Presidential Race Poll in North Carolina versus Hilary Clinton’s 38 percent and Donald Trump’s 40 percent.

Olson says that he filed for presidency out of frustration with the two-party system in the U.S. However, is the “Deez Nuts” campaign representing a bigger issue?

“Politics is all a joke. It doesn’t matter who is in power, because corporations are running the country. If people would seriously consider voting for a candidate named ‘Deez Nuts’ our country has some real issues,” said senior biology major, Taylor Keels.

People seem to have lost respect for the government and the presidency over the years. Being president was once held with high regard, now there is a lack of respect for the leaders of our nation.

In the midst of all of the media, Olsen actually has quite a few opinions on issues such as voting rights in the territories and illegal immigration. If you’re interested in Bryan Olson’s campaign, visit www.elect-deez-nuts.com.


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