Home / Opinions / California waiter or U.S. Border security?

California waiter or U.S. Border security?

Written by Geneva Crooks, Staff Writer

When visiting a restaurant there are a few automatic expectations we have as consumers: good

food, good service and a good time. That’s why servers are trained to be polite, friendly and

accommodating to the best of their ability.

Restaurants want you to walk away excited about the day you return.

According to CNN a waiter In Huntington Beach, California was fired after asking guests for

proof of residency when they ordered a drink.

“I need to make sure you’re from here before I serve you,” is what Diana Carrillo recalls him

saying at the Saint Marc Pub-Café on March 11.

After complaining to a manager, her and a group of friends were offered seating in another

section, but that simply wasn’t enough.

Carrillo’s sister who was also asked for proof of residency quickly took to Facebook to write a

hefty review of her experience, as many of us would.

Soon, her review reached over 1,000 likes, 1,000 comments and almost 2,000 shares. This

event wasn’t going to be ignored.

The restaurant and pub, Saint Marc, stated that the “employee at fault” has been fired and that

the event was “very unfortunate.”

“We work in an environment that ultimately does not allow for us to discriminate against paying

customers, and yet here is someone totally disregarding that fact. It’s disgusting to know that

those women probably just wanted to have a nice lunch and were slapped in the face with his

discrimination instead of the experience they had anticipated,” said Tayla Means, 21-year-old

public relations major.

One thing is fairly obvious, that server was deranged and should not have been employed in the

first place. It doesn’t take a genius to know that the only thing necessary when someone is

ordering a drink is proof of identification. This server deserved to lose their job. Not only did he

discriminate against people because of their race and origins, but he also is a huge liability to a

company that wants customers to keep coming back.

“One server can really change your experience and I think in the restaurant world people need

to work harder on leaving their biases at the door and doing the job to the best of their ability so

that we can ensure people continue to have great memories,” said Means.

Saint Marc did their best to make things right, and in doing so they donated ten percent of a

weekends revenues to the Orange County Immigrant Youth organization, Carrillo’s charity of


Although the server was fired and the pub made amends, this is surely an experience Carrillo

and her friends won’t forget.

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