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VSU faculty gives advice on stress and studying for finals

With finals next month, VSU faculty offers advice to students who are stressed and trying to find ways to study.

Finals are occurring May 4-May 7, following the last wellness day on May 3. Students may find themselves spending the wellness day preparing for a week of finals.

It is important for students to remember to nourish and to rest their bodies to perform their best on any mental or physical activity. However, VSU faculty offer their advice for the best studying habits leading up to finals week.

Dr. Terence Sullivan, assistant director for the Academic Support Center, says students should write out a plan for studying, work and other activities.

According to Dr. Sullivan, it’s common for students to make studying a lesser priority by trying to find time between other important priorities like classes, sports, a job and hopefully, sleep.

“We suggest that when you are creating that schedule for yourself, which includes your classes and job and personal events, create an actual visual,” he said. “We actually suggest doing it on paper, in addition to maybe having the online version.”

Dr. Sullivan said when students create a visual schedule that includes time blocks for all those things, students can find specific times to block for studying.

Dr. Sullivan suggests that students carry a yearly planner to write down major projects and papers, and also create a weekly schedule to know what their week in general will look like.

Dr. M. Denise Lovett, coordinator for African American studies and associate professor, said, “Some study tips for VSU students include making flash cards of your study materials, testing yourself and forming a study group so that you and your classmates can quiz each other.”

Holly Wright, VSU counselor, said students could manage stress by doing things such as talking to supportive people, breathing exercises, positive thinking, crying when needed, journaling, enjoying hobbies, mediating, praying, taking a nap or go for a walk walk.

“Overall, students need to always take care of themselves and believe in themselves, especially during final exams,” Wright said.

According to the VSU counseling center website, reasons to use the counseling center include test anxiety and balancing multiple demands (academic, relationships and finances).

The counseling center offers more advice and services at https://www.valdosta.edu/student/student-services/counseling-center/student-resources/stress-and-wellness.php.

The Academic Support Center website has forms to help students organize their weeks and days which can be found at https://www.valdosta.edu/asc/resources%20for%20students.php along with other helpful resources for students.

Story by Jonnie Brewer, Copy Editor Assistant. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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