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Top 4 survival tips for finals week

Finals are just around the corner, and for the majority of students, this is one of the most stressful times of the year.

Studying and preparing for finals can seriously affect your mental health. So, how do you go through finals week without burning out?
Here are four tips to get through finals.

1. Remember your limits.

Above all else, you’re human. Spending hours in front of notes is counterproductive if you don’t give yourself breaks.

Sleep is important as it helps put the things you learned from short-term memory into long-term and allows you to recall facts when it comes time to use them.

Make sure you take breaks to eat meals, rest and drink water for optimal brain function.

2. Break it up into smaller tasks.

Your brain does better when small hits of dopamine are in between tasks, which mostly prevents the crash you get from studying for hours.

Break it up into sections, make flashcards, create chunks of text in a document and make the task look smaller.

Then, as you complete tasks, reward yourself with something small, like candy or a task you enjoy, like reading a book or working on a puzzle. That way, your brain is constantly rewarding itself for studying, and it becomes a more pleasant experience.

3. Make the environment enjoyable.

Invest in things that make your studying environment pleasing to you: Laptop stickers, a cute coffee cup, string lights rather than an overhead light or anything that might make the experience better to work in.

If you like being somewhere, the task at hand is much more bearable.

4. Limit screen time.

Chances are you’re already constantly in front of a screen, making study guides and working through your Quizlets.

Adding social media to the mix will tire your brain out worse than if you flipped your phone over and put it on silent.

Written by Bailey Wilson, Staff Writer. Photo courtesy of Kilie Huckleby.

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