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Pop addict: Get the tea with TJ!

Hello, my favorite pop addicts at VSU, and welcome back to another edition of Pop Addict. This week has been kind of dead, but there are still things to discuss. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the tea! The 92nd Academy Awards ceremony took place of Feb. 9. The award show honored some of the best films of ...

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People poll: What hot spots/stores need to come to Valdosta?

“I think we need a technology hub that students and young adults in the area can go to. It needs fast Wi-fi and multiple charging ports. Like the game area in the Student Union, but more accessible to Valdosta and open to the public. Having a centralized place would be beneficial to everyone in the community.” “I would like to ...

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Black History Month playlist: 10 essential songs

Throughout history, musicians have used their art as a form of communicating messages. For minorities, not only can music relay a message, but it can be a form of protest, a call to action, a celebration of cultures and more. Black artists have used their voices to create an everlasting impact in the music industry through genres such as country, ...

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Don’t waste your money: Majors to avoid next semester

Everyone’s path to success in life will be different. While you need a college degree to get your foot in the door for most jobs worth a lick, that doesn’t mean you should go for just any major, either. After all, you’re in college to make money for your future. Why would you spend thousands of dollars going to college ...

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People poll: What was your sweetest Valentine’s Day ever?

“A guy got me a giant card that was just really heartfelt, and I got some flowers.” “When I was back in high school, either my junior or senior year, my friend and I had gotten together about a month beforehand. We spent a really wonderful Valentine’s day together. We had dinner, a movie, and we had a nice walk ...

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Dear black people: Stop begging for a seat at the table

A couple of weeks ago, social media went into an uproar because the Academy Award nominations seemed to include only white people. That is nothing new: a few years ago, #ocarssowhite was trending on Twitter for similar reasons. The end goal of the hashtag was to make the Academy more inclusive, which they were. That lasted about one award season. ...

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People Poll: What does Black History Month mean to you?

“In my opinion, I would say that Black History Month is where we remember and celebrate the achievements of African Americans. We also remember how they fought for us to be where we are right now. “ “It means seeing people of color in the spotlight for positive things. It’s always enriching to see how despite the odds people can ...

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Pop Addict: Get the tea with TJ! (Grammy/Super Bowl Edition)

Hello to all my fellow pop addicts at VSU, and welcome to another edition of Pop Addict! We have a variety of topics to discuss. So without further a due, let’s jump right into it. The 62nd Annual Grammy Awards ceremony took place on Jan. 26, 2020. While there are a few things I disagreed with in terms of the ...

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National *insert here* day: Feel-good February edition

Have you ever noticed that every month has one of those national *whatever* days that are funny, weird or downright bizarre? This column is dedicated to spotlighting those “holidays” and show there’s more to the year than just July 4, Thanksgiving and Christmas. With these lists, we’ll keep you celebrating the holiday spirit all year long! Here’s what’s going on ...

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C’s get degrees, but these apps will get an ‘A’

Smart devices are not only good for pictures and social media, but they can help you be successful this spring semester. Technology has advanced over the past two decades that there are now apps that will help keep you on track when it comes to your academic work. My Study Life is a free app that is compatible with both ...

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