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Random construction explained

As the winter break approaches, two major infrastructure projects have already begun, with a replacement of the main water and steam piping.
Currently, the replacement of the water piping has been concentrated between Odum Library and Nevins Hall, causing a disruption in pedestrian traffic by blocking off main walkways.             However, this project is necessary, as some areas of campus have pipes that are nearly 50 years old.
“VSU has tried to minimize disruption as much as possible by boring underground and placing water pipes without trenching, and by completing the projects in sections so that limited areas are disrupted for short amounts of time,” said Ray Sable, Director of Physical Plant and Planning for VSU.
During the winter break, the contractors for the water piping project will try to connect as many buildings as possible, with an expected completion date of February 2010.
However, the steam line project, which has already started by the Palms Quad, should be completed by January, with the next section of steam piping being planned for summer 2010.
“I’m glad that our school is growing but it doesn’t ever seem to stop. It’s hard to appreciate all the new things when there is construction going on all the time,” said sophomore Adam Doughty.
In addition to the piping replacement project, the area between Odum and Nevins is also under construction for a separate project, the completion of the Pedestrian Mall. Furthermore, Nevins Hall is still closed off until the completion of the new classrooms.
“The north half of Nevins Hall is completing interior renovations for the Math and Computer Science Department.  That project provides renovated classrooms and upgrades the heating and air conditioning system,” said Sable.
The Nevins Hall renovations are expected to be finished by March 2010.
At that time, professors will be able to move back into their offices and classrooms.
With many projects nearing completion at VSU, plans are already in store for a new Psychology building, which will stand in place of the northern part of Converse Hall.
“VSU investigated renovating Converse Hall, but its current construction made it very difficult to renovate and provide quality space needed for offices and classrooms.
The new construction will be a great improvement to campus in that it will allow the Psychology Department to relocate from the south campus, at the corner of Patterson and Gornto, to main campus,” said Sable.
While VSU waits on approval from the Board of Regents for the new Psychology building, another project is planned for the old VSU Bookstore.
With the new bookstore being relocated to the New Student Union, bids will go out for the Communication Arts Department for renovation of the old bookstore to provide space for TV and radio studios, as well as traditional classrooms and faculty offices.

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