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Dr. Rogers Steps Down as Provost

Photo Illustration: Kayla Stroud/THE SPECTATOR

Written by John Preer, Editor-in-Chief 

Photo courtesy of valdosta.edu.
Photo courtesy of valdosta.edu.

Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Hudson Rogers, has stepped down from the position in order to resume teaching in the classroom.  Dr. Rogers will continue teaching as a tenured member of the Harley Langdale Jr. College of Business Administration faculty.  Before taking on the role of provost, Dr. Rogers served as finance and marketing department chair and Dean of Florida Gulf Coast University’s Lutgert College of Business.  He held those positions while living in Fort Meyers, Florida and moved to Valdosta after being chosen from a nationwide pool of applicants.

Following the resignation of former Interim Provost, Dr. David C. Danahar, Dr. Rogers was appointed to the position by former President William McKinney.  McKinney told reporters that Dr. Rogers had an impressive track record and swiftly emerged as one of the top contender.

In an email to faculty and staff, Interim President Cecil P. Staton thanked Dr. Rogers for his service to the university and the Provost’s Office.

“I know his future students will benefit from his patient explanations, his encouragement to innovate and engage, and his genuine interest in their growth and intellectual development,” Staton said.

Effective as of July 1, Dr. Brian Gerber will assume the role of Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs.  Dr. Gerber previously served as Interim Dean of the James L. and Dorothy H Dewar College of Education and Human Services.  Gerber was named one the “75 who make a difference” by the University of Oklahoma College of Education for its 75th anniversary, honoring alumni who have made a difference in the world.  In addition to other accolades, Dr. Gerber has also been credited with assisting in the process to bring SciTrek to VSU for the science education and training program.

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