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Editorial: Show us the money

Most Americans don't have access to an emergency savings account, according to a study from Bankrate.com. (Photo courtesy Fotolia/TNS)

The last two semesters at VSU have been rough.

Last spring, a simple protest lead to a media frenzy which engulfed VSU. In the fall, over 30 faculty and staff members were let go. Faculty and staff were at the pinnacle of their careers and some relocated to Valdosta because of VSU.

Because of this, it seemed that VSU was going on a downward spiral. The air around VSU seemed dismal.

However, there seems to be a shining light for VSU. That light is the “Invest. Ignite. Inspire.” campaign.

The goal of the campaign is to raise money for the university’s advancement. In order to achieve this, the campaign is aimed to donate to different programs at VSU, which include the scholarship foundation and the athletics foundation, among others.

To date, the campaign has raised a total of 46 million dollars.

What makes this feat more beneficial to VSU is that it surpassed the initial five year goal and was raised in less than two years.

This is promising for the VSU community.

This could be the comeback that VSU needs and everyone loves a good comeback story.

The gargantuan amount of money donated shows that people care and support VSU wholeheartedly.  After two rough semesters, VSU needs a morale boost.

We at The Spectator only have one request: show the VSU populace where that money is going.

We as an editorial staff want to see the money truly be put towards to the true advancement of this university.

The campaign has done a good job of listing what money goal each area has and how much money has currently been raised. According to the VSU website, out of six areas, the campaign has surpassed in Student Enrichment and is above 80 percent in two other categories. With half of the categories completed or almost completed, the future looks bright for VSU.

The support from the VSU community is what needs to be the driving force for this campaign. Show the VSU community the money is being put to good use. Bring the community to the forefront and show each member of the Blazer community the value of her or his support.

In the words of the campaign, this campaign should “invest” in the future of VSU, “ignite” Blazer pride, and “inspire” VSU.

This campaign has the power to shape the future of VSU for the better. We can’t wait to see how VSU will advance and how bright its future will burn.




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