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Students are concerned with parking on campus

Everyone runs a little late sometimes. Parking close to class is essential when it comes to getting there on time. However, parking on main and north campus is a game of chance for students who are avoiding tickets.

Main campus does not offer many parking opportunities. There are a couple of spots outside Hopper Hall for 45-minute parking, but no class at VSU is less than 50 minutes long. So, getting one of those lucky spots may come with the price of a ticket.

There is a shared parking lot for Odum Library, Brown Hall, Patterson Hall, and Langdale Hall. However, the spots are still limited and also 45-minute parking.

Most on-campus parking is for employees, service vehicles and handicap. The gated Nevins lot and the small lot between Bailey Science Center and Powell Hall are examples of this.

Each lot is labeled in some way to explain how long a student can park. There are signs that indicate timed parking, handicap, or service.

To risk parking as close as possible to class buildings, students may have to risk getting a ticket. Even the Georgia Hall parking lot is timed for 45 minutes.

“The best place to park on main campus would be nowhere because you’re going to get a ticket anyway,” Malkom Hayes, a junior nursing major, said. “Don’t park on this campus.”

When parking on North Campus the best place to park for medical students is the South Georgia Medical Center parking deck. For business students the best place to park without getting a ticket is in the old Ashley Cinema parking lot.

An option most students use for North Campus parking is to park in Oak parking deck or lot and take the Red Line shuttle to North Campus. The issue with the shuttle is that it takes too much time meaning a student in a rush doesn’t really have that option.

Many students have complaints about how parking on VSU’S main campus is set up.

“Parking on campus is trash,” Shani Massey, a sophomore business major, said.  “Those 15 dollar tickets add up really quick. I say just park at Oak and walk the rest of the way to class. Stop being lazy.”

The gravel parking lot beside the VSU medical center is probably a student’s best bet when trying to get as close to the class building on the Pedestrian Mall. It has no timed parking, but designates it during the week days. Although, the lot is labeled ‘no parking’ it is safer than parking anywhere closer to the buildings.

But, if students want to avoid the possibility of a ticket all together, it is better to just park in the Oak deck or surface lot and make the walk or bus ride to main campus.

Story by Destini Jones, Staff Writer.

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