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Preview: VSU marketing class to present film festival

VSU will soon welcome another film festival onto its campus, putting the festival’s students at the helm once again. But this festival is a bit different than others.

This time, there’s a theme: representing women on the silver screen.

Born from the strategic planning class, or MKTG4900, a class with more than 20 students, Shades of Representation is designed to engage students in “experimental learning,” according to Dr. Aubrey Fowler, the class’ professor.

“I decided that I wanted my students to do a collaborative project that drew upon all their coursework up to that point,” he said.

With that in mind, Fowler gave the project “real-world ramifications” which, in his own words, allows the students to “fuck up with a safety net.” Thus, the film festival was made.

It will show four movies, including “Erin Brockovich,” “The Help,” “Wonder Woman” and “Zero Dark Thirty,” on April 12 and 13.

“Erin Brockovich” and “The Help” will play Friday, while “Wonder Woman” and “Zero Dark Thirty” will play Saturday.

While the decision to showcase women was a no-brainer for the class, Fowler said he came up with the topic after observing his daughter’s reaction to “Wonder Woman” and, furthermore, the growing diversity in media.

“As I examine movies for their generational import, I have been thinking a lot about representation and how it has changed through the decades,” he said. “It grew even more important after watching a little boy’s reaction to ‘Black Panther’ last year and how excited he was to see black men and women be heroes in a way that I’ve never seen before and I’m certain he never had either. For those kids and so many more, representation matters. It matters for adults as well.”

The film festival values may be dipped in education, but its supervisors want it to be fun too. Daniel Bataille, a senior and one of the students heading the festival, said that’s pretty much the class’ goal.

“They are movies that most people have already seen, but we’re trying to make it a fun thing for students,” he said. “We’re going to have concessions and food available [too].”

But while the festival seems ready to move forward, there’s still one big issue: funding. That’s why the class is looking for sponsors.

Currently, the project is in need of a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine, snacks, candy, drinks and tickets, as well as funding to secure the rights to the movies.

Those who decide to sponsor can opt to pay for one of three packages: Platinum ($300 donation), Gold ($200 donation) or Silver ($100 donation), each with complimentary tickets and respective benefits.

The proceeds generated will be donated to The Haven of Valdosta. The film festival will begin at 5:15 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. on April 12 and 13. Entry is free for students.

Written by Bryce Ethridge, Content Editor. Photo courtesy of Pexels.

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