Home / Entertainment / People poll: How has your transition to online classes been?

People poll: How has your transition to online classes been?

Due to COVID-19, all universities have shut down and switched to online learning. Everyone has a preferred way of learning whether that may be physically going to class and seeing your professor or tuning in on Zoom for your lecture. With students having to transition to online, everyone might not be settling in as well as the others. Here are four student-submitted stories on how they’re handling the transition after having a chance to get into the swing of it.

Angelica Pinkey, sophomore criminal justice major

















“It’s a hard transition to online classes because of the workload we are given. It seems as though we have gotten more work to complete. Also, it’s mentally challenging not to be able to interact with other classmates on certain assignments.”

Haley Waters, sophomore English major
















“I feel like I can handle online classes as while but considering they were not online classes from the start, I feel trapped and as if I’m suffocating. Considering we started the school year face to face, they’re piling up work onto us without any regard for our mental health. It feels like we have more work than we did before we went into quarantine.”

Kamille McLean, freshman psychology major















“Transitioning to online classes is not my first choice. It is hard to keep up with the work because I am not in an academic atmosphere. When I am at home, I feel like I am on break, so that is a little difficult. The work has been piling up, but I just have to keep in mind that I am still in school. It’s [classes] definitely easier with interactions with the professor.”

Akira Carter, a sophomore mass media major

“I feel like it is a lot easier than being on campus, going to classes and stuff like that. For one, I had quite a few morning classes this semester so waking up early and getting up out of bed has been a struggle when we were on campus, but now I can kind of wake up at any time and do my work. Especially since none of my teachers have told us to do specifically online classes, everything has been put on Blazeview and you do your work on your own time and make sure you get everything in before it’s due. So, I have been really thankful for that.”

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