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Intramural flag football has returned to VSU

Registration has begun for the 2021 intramural flag football season at VSU.

Players need to have their teams registered before registration ends on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 11:59 p.m.

Although COVID-19 is still present and doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, the Competitive Sports staff at the Rec Center is planning to move forward with the return of intramural flag football.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the season won’t get canceled again like it did when the pandemic started in March 2020.

​“We definitely cannot confirm that the season will 100% happen,” Caitlin Carney, a graduate assistant for Competitive Sports at the Rec Center, said. “It looks promising, but with how quickly things can change with the virus, we cannot be absolutely certain that circumstances will stay promising.”

There will be mandatory captains meetings on Jan. 25, 26, 27 and 28 at 6 p.m. These meetings will be held in the Group Fitness Studio inside the Rec Center.

At least one team member is required to attend one captains meeting. If no attendance is recorded, then their team will be removed from competition.

“The captains meetings will be mandatory for teams to be able to play in the season,” Carney said. “In the meetings, we will be covering the basic rules and policies for flag football as well as our new COVID-19 policies which were put in place to adhere to CDC Guidelines, and make the season as safe as possible.”

There will be three divisions of intramural teams this season: men’s, women’s and co-rec.

“IMLeagues.com is capped at 32 total teams this season,” Carney said. “We allow 16 teams in the men’s leagues and then eight each in the co-rec and women’s leagues.”

There will be a meet and greet on Thursday, Jan. 21 for anyone who wants to come and find out more about intramurals this year. The meetings will take place from 1-3 p.m. in meeting rooms three and four in the Student Union.

If you have any questions, contact Caitlin Carney at cmcarney@valdosta.edu or Wyatt Lee at wslee@valdosta.edu.

Written by Zach Edmondson, Sports Editor. Photo courtesy of VSU.

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