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Guide: How to Budget Time for College

Everyone knows that the college student life can be challenging and time-consuming. But believe it or not, there are some ways that college students can budget their time. Here is a guide to help students manage their time between work and free time.

Create a class/work schedule:

  1. Creating a schedule will help keep track of classes and assignments due.
  2. You will know when you have free time.
  3. It can help with managing stress.

Setting boundaries for yourself is also a great tip when it comes to scheduling your classes and homework. Be realistic about what you can do in the time you have. Do not overwork yourself. As soon as you have time to yourself, try to relax and meditate, or do something you enjoy that helps relieve stress.

Balance your courses:

  1. Try not to overfill your classes with so many courses.
  2. Only add on classes you need and are recommended by your advisor.

Its already hard enough trying the balance three-five classes a day, so don’t add more that you really don’t need. If you know for sure that you can handle extra classes then it’s ok, but don’t apply if it’s not recommended yet and if you already have a packed schedule.

Ask yourself: are you an early bird or night owl?:

  1. Choose a good time of the day to study and finish up work.
  2. This will also help with your sleep schedule.
  3. Remember: everyone’s schedule is different.
  4. Try to see what time of the day where you are engaged in the most and seriously focused,

Story by Jasmine Hightower, staff writer. Photo courtesy of Bailey Storey.

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