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10 songs to put you in the holiday spirit

The holiday season has finally arrived to decorate, watch movies and make sweet treats. But Christmas isn’t complete without the right music playing in the background.

Christmas music is what really puts people in the holiday spirit, so here is a list of the top 10 best Christmas songs to listen to get the holiday spirit.

“All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Of course, its not Christmas until you play this song a few hundred times. Since Mariah Carey dropped this song in 1994, it has slowly made its way on becoming the national anthem for Christmas.

“Last Christmas” by Wham. Whether you’re feeling lonely or just love the song, “Last Christmas” is a great song to relax to or sing karaoke to. Whatever the case, the lyrics of this song will get anyone into the holidays feels.

“Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson. If you want something more upbeat for Christmas, then this is the perfect song for you. I think Kelly made this song so people would be able to enjoy Christmas with the person they love and leave all their past worries behind them.

“Every Year, Every Christmas” by Luther Vandross. This may be an oldie, but it is defiantly still a goodie. This song is great for relaxing with the family while putting up decorations or just enjoying each other’s presence.

“Santa Tell Me” By Ariana Grande. This song is more for the broken hearted for Christmas. Its about trying to figure out if the person you’re with is going to be with you for the rest of your life rather than just for a moment.

“Silent Night” by The Temptations. As soon as you hear “in my mind” you know that the family is about to break out in song. The vocals of The Temptations make you feel warm inside and happy that Christmas is right around the corner.

“Hanukkah O Hanukkah” by Erran Baron Cohen. For those who celebrate Hanukkah, this song explains the Jewish custom and history in a more upbeat tone to dance with the family.

“A Kwanzaa Song” by Lovely Hoffman. This song is so beautiful. It’s a message of celebration of Kwanzaa, and it also helps educate. This song is perfect to gain motivation and will also make you want to get up and dance.

“Under the Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber. This song is for all the couples out there who are celebrating Christmas together. Take your time to enjoy each other’s company and find some mistletoe to get under.

“This Christmas” by Donny Hathaway. This song is the best song to prepare for Christmas. The lyrics let you know that everything is going to be alright.

Story by Jasmine Hightower, staff writer. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

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