Ugh, it’s that time of year again. When on trips to Target your eyes are scalded by flashes of hot pink, your TV delivers a deluge of diamonds and capital-K kisses, and everything in America is reduced to a curious binary construction. Valentine’s Day. A silly holiday to begin with, and arguably one of the most commercialized (formerly religious) holidays. ...
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VSU charters Phi Sigma Kappa
On Feb. 6, VSU chartered the Greek fraternity of Phi Sigma Kappa Inc. Phi Sigma Kappa Inc., or Phi Sig for short, has a national fraternity of 93 chapters. There has been a Phi Sig colony at VSU since December 2006. The new chapter currently has 25 members. Three remain of the original 18 members who started the colony in ...
Read More »Blazers football hosts blood drive
For the Valdosta State Blazers, winning championships is in the blood. On Monday Feb. 15, that mentality takes on an entirely different meaning as the Blazers football team will host its annual blood drive in the P.E. Complex. The blood drive is one of Georgia’s largest single-day drives, producing close to the state record of 427 units. In 2008, the ...
Read More »SGA talks budget and bills
SGA elected eight new senators and discussed important topics brought up in the semi-annual SAC meeting, including the budget proposal for the 2011-2012 school year, talk of changing requirements for HOPE and a proposed Georgia House bill that would allow guns on campus. The first report of the night came from President Kelli Cody, who recently attended a SAC (Student ...
Read More »AFAM hosts Black History Lecture with James Alexander
Attorney James Alexander spoke to students and alumni about his books “Halfway Home From Kinderlou” and “If I Should die before I Wake…What Will Happen to My Stuff?” In these books Alexander discusses his happy childhood and growing up in Valdosta. In his lecture, Alexander discusses living in Valdosta in the 1930’s and learning from the people around him. “People ...
Read More »People Poll: Should guns be allowed on campus?
Lauren Scaffa junior communications “I don’t think there is a necessity for weapons on campus but constitutionally I think they should be allowed to carry them as long as they are not concealed.” Markel Davis, junior contemporary lit “I personally don’t think that we should have weapons on campusbecause individuals who can be negligent could cause innocent bystanders to get ...
Read More »Letters to the Editor: February 11, 2010
An article written by Jennifer Faulconer and featured in The Spectator titled “Valdosta does not support recycling” included several key points of inaccurate information. I am a VSU graduate of Biology and Chemistry and trust that anyone associated with VSU has the most honorable intentions. My feeling is that your contributing writer initially had a bad experience with recycling in ...
Read More »Kenny’s immodest proposal
Blazers, the petty arguments in Congress have brought our government to a standstill. The war between Democrats and Republicans has become so bad that our country can no longer be productive. Fear not, however, for I have a solution that will allow our nation to move forward and without interruption by clubhouse politics. America, we must kill off one of ...
Read More »Texting while driving more dangerous than drinking and driving
Droids, crackberrys and iPhones, oh my! With all the unbelievable phones, plans, and offers cell phone companies now have, it’s no wonder that texting seems to have taken over as the main form of communication. Texting makes everything so simple. It takes just a few seconds to send a text as opposed to calling someone who may or may not ...
Read More »College students can afford Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is three days away; many are becoming worried about what to do. However, Valentine’s Day is meant to bring love, not headaches. Here are some unique, cost-efficient ways to spend Valentine’s Day. Restaurants are usually packed around this holiday. Because it is public, it’s hard to make it intimate. This Valentine’s Day, plan a picnic with your honey ...
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